Site Stacker API

Visualize and try the Site Stacker API. Check the API Guide for more details.

CAUTION: Any changes you make will be permanent.


The requests here are already authenticated if you're logged in into Site Stacker. 

For the authentication guide see API Authentication.

Below is an authentication example in PHP:

Authentication is the process of proving your identity to the system. Requests are allowed or denied in part based on the 
identity of the requester. As a developer, you'll be making requests that invoke certain privileges, so you'll need to prove 
your identity to the system by authenticating your requests.

The Site Stacker API uses a custom HTTP scheme based on a keyed-HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) for 
authentication. To authenticate a request, you first concatenate selected elements of the request to form a string. 
You then use your Site Stacker secret access key to calculate the HMAC of that string. Informally, we call this process 
"signing the request," and we call the output of the HMAC algorithm the signature, because it simulates the security 
properties of a real signature. Finally, you add this signature as a parameter of the request by using the syntax described 
in this guide.

When the system receives an authenticated request, it fetches the Site Stacker secret access key that you claim to have 
and uses it in the same way to compute a signature for the message it received. It then compares the signature it 
calculated against the signature presented by the requester. If the two signatures match, the system concludes that the 
requester must have access to the Site Stacker secret access key and therefore acts with the authority of the principal to 
whom the key was issued. If the two signatures do not match, the request is dropped and the system responds with an 
error message.

Example Authenticated Site Stacker API Request

The Authentication Header

The Site Stacker API uses the standard HTTP Authorization header to pass authentication information. 

(The name of the standard header is unfortunate because it carries authentication information, not authorization). 

Under the Site Stacker authentication scheme, the Authorization header has the following form:

Any Site Stacker user can have an access key ID and secret access key that are generated from the Users component in 

admin, by right clicking a user > API Access and click on Generate API Keys, as shown below:

For request authentication, the AccessKeyId element identifies the access key ID that was used to compute the signature 

and, indirectly, the user making the request. The Signature element is the RFC 4868 HMAC-SHA256 of selected 

elements from the request, and so the Signature part of the Authorization header will vary from request to request. 

If the request signature calculated by the system matches the Signature included with the request, the requester will 

have demonstrated possession of the Site Stacker secret access key. The request will then be processed under the identity,

and with the authority, of the user to whom the key was issued.

Following is pseudogrammar that illustrates the construction of the Authorization request header. (In the example, \n 

means the Unicode code point U+000A, commonly called newline).

HMAC-SHA256 is an algorithm defined by RFC 4868 - Using HMAC-SHA-256. The algorithm takes as input two 

byte-strings, a key and a message. For Site Stacker request authentication, use your Site Stacker secret access key 

(SecretAccessKey) as the key, and the StringToSign as the message. The binary output of HMAC-SHA256 is then 

converted to a hexadecimal representation, called the hex digest, which is the Signature.

Positional HTTP Header StringToSign Elements

All elements of StringToSign (Content-Type, Date) are positional in nature. StringToSign does not include the names 

of these headers, only their values from the request. If a positional header called for in the definition of StringToSign is 

not present in your request (for example, Content-Type is optional for PUT requests and meaningless for GET requests), 

substitute the empty string ("") for that position.

Time Stamp Requirement

A valid time stamp (using the HTTP Date header or an ss-date alternative) is mandatory for authenticated requests. 

Furthermore, the client timestamp included with an authenticated request must be within 5 minutes of the Site Stacker 

system time when the request is received. If not, the request will fail with the RequestTimeTooSkewed error code. 

The intention of these restrictions is to limit the possibility that intercepted requests could be replayed by an adversary. For 

stronger protection against eavesdropping, use the HTTPS transport for authenticated requests.

Some HTTP client libraries do not expose the ability to set the Date header for a request. If you have trouble including 

the value of the 'Date' header in the canonicalized headers, you can set the timestamp for the request by 

using an 'ss-date' header instead. The value of the ss-date header must be in one of the RFC 2616 formats 

( When an ss-date header is present in a request, the system will use this date when 

computing the request signature.

Authentication Examples

The examples in this section use the (non-working) credentials in the following table.


In the example StringToSigns, formatting is not significant, and \n means the Unicode code point U+000A

commonly called newline. Also, the examples use "+0000" to designate the time zone. You can use "GMT" to designate 

timezone instead, but the signatures shown in the examples will be different.

Example Object GET



Example Object POST



Note the Content-Type header in the request and in the StringToSign.

Modified on Thu, 23 May, 2024 at 1:21 PM

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