Before diving into every single Default System Message and possible information overload, let’s go over what the System Message component is by giving a basic overview, take a glance at the high-level System Messages included in your SiteStacker installation, and then we can get into the nitty-gritty!
What are System Messages?
When you log into your SiteStacker installation, you will see the System Category with the System Messages component (the icon is a chat bubble). A brief overview of this component is the following:
- These are where automated messages are sent out when a certain action is taken on the website (new contribution, campaign removal, failed cron job, etc.).
- Default emails sent through our system can be customized in any way.
- Messages created will be on the Default site, but if you create a new Site you can assign new messages with different branding and messaging.
Do I need to set up ALL of my System Messages?
Luckily for you, we have already included a vast majority of System Messages that you could potentially edit and use right out of the box! Ranging from Users, Contributions, Messages, and more, you can easily see what is already offered. See the screenshot below to get a glimpse of what messages are included. If you don’t see a message that relates to what you are looking for, then feel free to add one! We will discuss that now.
(click the image to view full size)
How do I Add, Edit & Delete System Messages?
Always take note when you want to do any of these actions just in case something isn’t working correctly or might be needed in the future. Follow these steps to do all of the above actions:
To Add a System Message:
Note: Before adding a System Message, you should have set up a Default Sender for your site.
- Log into your SiteStacker Installation.
- Click on the ‘System Messages’ component to view your current System Messages.
- Click the ‘Add’ button at the top-left and a new window will pop up.
- If you want a new sender to have this email sent from, enter it in the ‘From’ field.
- Next, choose your ‘Component Rule’ by finding a topic similar to what you are looking to create a message for.
- Once you have chosen your ‘Component Rule’, the ‘Name’, ‘Subject’, and ‘Body’ fields should have been populated as well.
- If you have multiple of the following then please choose them: ‘Language’ and ‘Site Channel’
Note: You can also ‘Send Copies to’ other people specified, as well as add ‘Additional Receivers’.
- Choose the [Email] ‘Send Method’ and click ‘Save & Close’.
- You should now be able to see your newly created System Message in the list!
To Edit a System Message:
- With your newly created System Message, double-click on this in the list and the ‘Add / Edit Message’ window will pop up.
Note: When editing a System Message, you can not change the ‘Component Rule’, so if you chose the wrong one then you would need to delete it and choose the right one when you go to add a new System Message.
- When editing, you will notice that you can change the ‘Name’ of the message, ‘Language’, ‘Send Method’, etc. fields.
- On the ‘Body’ portion of the System Message, you may notice some strange code (ex. {$email}, {$}, etc.). These are Variables that collect data from that specific user and/or category. You will see a list of Variables on the left-hand side of the window.
- To add variables to your message: Make sure you are in the right part of your message and simply double-click the variable. It should now show up where you had your cursor.
- To add images to your message: Click on the tiny thumbnail with the tree on it and the ‘Insert/Edit Image’ window should pop up. You will see a ‘Browse’ icon next to the ‘Image URL’ field. Click this, search for your image, double-click it, and the path to the image will be put into here. Note: Do not remove anything from this path or this image may not render correctly when people view this message! Click insert and the image will be added to your System Message.
- Once you are done making edits to your System Message, click ‘Save & Close’.
To Delete a System Message:
- Highlight the System Message you would like to delete and click ‘Delete’
- A pop-up will ask if you want to delete the selected message(s). Click Yes.
- You have successfully Deleted a System Message!
Note: Make sure that you check to make sure that you are deleting the correct image, especially if you have worked so hard on perfecting a message just to have it deleted accidentally!
What are the Different System Messages that live on my SiteStacker Installation?
Below is a list of each default System Message that comes with your SiteStacker Installation.
Component: Users Name: Account Locked Unique Variables: email, attempts, minutes Definition: This message is sent out after many log-in attempts are unsuccessful, locking you out for too many invalid attempts and stating the amount of time until you can get back into your account. | ![]() |
Component: People Name: Address Updated Unique Variables: PreviousInfo, PersonAddressType, PersonAddress, LocationCountry, LocationState Definition: A message is sent out stating that a user has changed their address, stating specifically what it was before and what it has been updated to. | ![]() |
Component: Contributions Name: Card About to Expire Unique Variables: card, expiration_date, days Definition: Notification of how many days are left before a user’s Credit Card (CC) expires so that they can log into their account and renew it or input new CC information. | ![]() |
Component: Contributions Name: Contribution Receipt Unique Variables: date, total, donor, address, affiliatedPerson, affiliatedPersonAddress, contributions, transactionId, batchId, isRecurring, recurring Definition: This will display a list of amounts, the places each one went to, and the Total amount of all combined contributions. | ![]() |
Component: Cron Name: Cron Notify Not Running Unique Variables: server Definition: This will be sent if the Cron Jobs are not running on the server. It will also state that you can disable this notification (if known or unnecessary) and the steps to do so. | ![]() |
Component: Contributions Name: Donation Confirmation to Campaign Owners Unique Variables: Donor, Address, Phone, OwnerName, Gift Definition: This sends a notification to the Campaign Owner whenever a Donation has successfully gone through to their Campaign. Describes the person (if not Anonymous), the amount given, and how to contact them (again, if not Anonymous). | ![]() |
Component: People Name: Email Updated Unique Variables: previousEmail Definition: When a User updates their Email Address, then this notification is sent to them to let them know that the change was successful. | ![]() |
Component: Users Name: Email Verified Unique Variables: N/A Definition: If an email verification message has been sent out and responded to, then this message will be sent to them to state that the confirmation was successful. | ![]() |
Component: Users Name: Initiate Password Unique Variables: url Definition: When somebody wants to create a password for their account, then this email is sent to them with a secure link so that they may do so. | ![]() |
Component: People Name: New Address Added Unique Variables: Person, PersonAddressType, PersonAddress, LocationCountry, LocationState Definition: When a person adds a new address to their account, this email is sent to them to let them know the exact address that they added to their account so that they can double-check if all the information input was correct. | ![]() |
Component: PaymentProcessors Name: New Payment Method Unique Variables: PaymentProcessorCard, PaymentProcessorCheck Definition: When a new payment method is added by a User to their account, then they are notified of the change so that they can make sure that their information is correct. | ![]() |
Component: Newsletters Name: Newsletter Sign-Up Confirmation Unique Variables: Newsletter Definition: When a person signs up for a Newsletter (if any), then they are notified about which Newsletter and on which site (if you have multiple) the Newsletter lives. | ![]() |
Component: Processes Name: Paid Registration Unique Variables: total, donor, address, affiliatedPerson, affiliatedPersonAddress, participants, transactionId, batchId Definition: When a person pays for registration then this email is sent out to them stating the amount, who the participants are, and the total amount. | ![]() |
Component: Users Name: Password Change Unique Variables: N/A Definition: If there was a password change on a user’s account (either manually or through staff input) then this message is sent out to the person whose password was changed to make sure it was meant to be changed or not. | ![]() |
Component: PaymentProcessors Name: Payment Method Deleted Unique Variables: PaymentProcessorCard, Payment Processor Check Definition: When a payment method is deleted from someone's account, they are notified of which payment Method was deleted. | ![]() |
Component: PaymentProcessors Name: Payment Method Updated Unique Variables: PaymentProcessorCard, Payment Processor Check Definition: When a payment method is updated on someone’s account, they are then notified of the current payment method. | ![]() |
Component: Contributions Name: Pending Contribution Receipt Unique Variables: date, total, donor, address, affiliatedPerson, affiliatedPersonAddress, contributions, transactionId, batchId, isRecurring, recurring Definition: While still pending, this will display a list of amounts, the places each one went to, and the Total amount of all combined contributions. | ![]() |
Component: Processes Name: Process Notification Unique Variables: subject, body Definition: This is a notification sent out when a process happens on your site. | ![]() |
Component: Processes Name: Process Reference Unique Variables: URL, Applicant Definition: If an Applicant adds somebody as a Reference, then this email is sent out to that Reference with a link to fill out their reference form. | ![]() |
Component: Users Name: Recover Password Unique Variables: url Definition: When somebody has lost or forgotten their password and wants to reset it, then this message is sent out to them so that they can do so. | ![]() |
Component: Contributions Name: Recurring Scheduling Confirmation Unique Variables: total, donor, address, affiliatedPerson, affiliatedPersonAddress, contributions, recurring Definition: When a person has started a new recurring contribution with one or more designations (people, campaigns, projects, etc.) then this email will be sent to them. This goes over the schedule, each line item, their amounts, and the total amount that will be charged for the time chosen. | ![]() |
Component: People Name: Send Message Unique Variables: subject, body Definition: When a message is sent to somebody in their CRM record, then this email will be sent to that person letting them know about the message. | ![]() |
Component: Messages Name: Spark Message Unique Variables: subject, body Definition: When a Spark event is triggered to send a Spark Message, then whatever message is set in the Spark event is sent to the person who triggered the event. | ![]() |
Component: Users Name: Verify Email Address Unique Variables: confirmation_link Definition: When a User needs to verify their email address, then this email is sent to them which includes a unique link for them to click on to verify their email address. | ![]() |
Who receives each System Message and what triggers the message to be sent?
Component | Name | Description | Receiver | What triggers this System Message |
Advocacy | New Campaign Confirmation | Email notification on a newly created advocacy. | User (advocacy owner). | This is triggered when a user creates a new peer-to-peer campaign. |
Advocacy | Campaign awaiting approval | Notification for the advocacy owner that the advocacy created is in review (for setups where the admin needs to approve an advocacy). | User (advocacy owner) | This is triggered if peer-to-peer is set that an admin will need to review the campaign first before approving to publish. |
Contributions | Contribution Receipt | Notification regarding a summary of donations made. | Donor | This is sent to the donor as soon as the donor submits a donation. |
Contributions | Recurring Schedule Confirmation | Notification on a recurring schedule setup. | Donor | This is sent once a donor sets up a recurring donation schedule. |
Contributions | Card About to Expire | Notification that a credit card is about to expire. | Donor | Triggered based on the ‘Days Before Expiring’ value found in the System Message itself. |
Contributions | Contribution Declined | Notification of a declined transaction. | Donor | Triggered when a transaction was declined. |
Contributions | Contribution Declined (System Error) | Notification on why the contribution was declined. | Ministry Admin (needs to be added as an additional receiver). | Triggered when a transaction was declined. |
Contributions | Recurring About to Expire Notify Donor | Notification that a recurring schedule is about to expire. | Donor | Triggered when a recurring donation is about to expire depending on what value (days before expiring) is set in the System Message. |
Cron | Cron Notify Not Running | Notification that the Cron job stopped running. | WMTEK Admin Ministry Admin (needs to be added as an additional receiver). | Triggered when a Cron job failed depending on the Cron job’s configuration. |
Messages | Spark Messages | This is a notification that contains the custom Spark Messages in the Spark component. | Depending on who should receive the message in Spark. | Triggered when a message is sent from SS through a Spark trigger. |
Newsletters | Newsletter Sign-Up Confirmation | Notification regarding a newsletter subscription a user subscribed to. | User | Triggered when a user signs up for a newsletter. |
Newsletters | Newsletter Sign-Up Confirmation To Admin | Notification that a user has subscribed to a newsletter on the website. | Ministry Admin (needs to be added as an additional receiver) | Triggered when a user signs up for a newsletter. |
PaymentProcessors | New Payment Method | Notification that a new payment method has been added to the donor’s account. | Donor | Triggered when a donor adds a new payment method under the donor’s Site Stacker account. |
PaymentProcessors | Payment Method Updated | Notification that a payment method has been updated in the donor’s account. | Donor | Triggered when a donor updates an existing payment method under the donor’s Site Stacker account. |
PaymentProcessors | Payment Method Deleted | Notification that a payment method has been deleted from the donor’s account. | Donor | Triggered when a donor deletes an existing payment method under the donor’s Site Stacker account. |
PaymentProcessors | Failed Pending Transaction (Admin) | Notification regarding a pending transaction and why the transaction failed. | Ministry Admin (needs to be added as an additional receiver). | Triggered when a pending transaction failed. |
People | Send Message | Notification on the internal message that was sent in Site Stacker. | User | Triggered when a message is sent from Site Stacker either through the dashboard or from the CRM component. |
People | Address Updated | Notification of an address update in the user’s CRM. | User | Triggered when a user updates his/her address. |
People | Email Updated | Notification of an email update in the user’s CRM. | User | Triggered when a user updates his/her email. |
Prayers | Prayer Saved | Notification that the prayer has been saved to the user’s prayer calendar. | User | Triggered when a user has created a prayer advocacy. |
Prayers | Prayer Reminder | Notification to remind the user of a scheduled prayer. | User | Triggered for prayer reminders. |
Prayers | New Prayer For Content Owner | Notification to the content item owner that a user has added them to their prayer calendar. | Content Item Owner | Triggered when someone has added a prayer to their campaign. |
Processes | Process Notification | Email notification sent through Motion 2. | Depending on who should receive the message in Motion 2. | Triggered when a task has been completed by a user through a Motion 2 workflow. |
Processes | Process Reference | Email notification to a user assigned as a reference in a Motion 2 workflow. | User (Reference Role) | Triggered when a user listed another person as a reference through a Motion 2 workflow. |
Processes | Paid Registration | Email notification on a checkout that was done through a Motion 2 workflow. | User | Triggered when a user has paid a registration fee through a Motion 2 workflow. |
SitePlanner | Content Moves Stage | Email notification that lets an admin know that a content item has changed the publishing workflow (for missionary dashboard that has profile bio setup). | Ministry Admin | Triggered when an admin changes the publishing stage of a content item in Site Planner. |
SitePlanner | Live Content Moves Stage | Email notification that lets an admin know that a live content item has changed the publishing workflow (for missionary dashboard that has profile bio setup). | Ministry Admin | Triggered when an admin changes the publishing stage of a live content item in Site Planner. |
SitePlanner | Owned Content Stage Changed | Email notification regarding a submitted change to a content item | Content Owner | Triggered when a content item has been changed in it’s publishing stage. |
Users | Recover Password | Email notification regarding password reset | User | Triggered when a user submits a request to recover the password. |
Users | Account Locked | Email notification on a locked account due to failed login attempts | User | Triggered when a user has tried to log in unsuccessfully ‘X’ times based on the login configuration in Sites. |
Users | Verify Email Address | Email notification for verifying an email address | User | Triggered when a new user has set up a Site Stacker account for the first time. |
Users | Email Verified | Email sent to the user on a successful email verification. | User | Triggered once a user verifies his/her email address. |
Users | Password Change | Email notification to the user regarding a password change. | User | Triggered when a user changes/updates his/her password. |
Users | Initiate Password | Email notification for setting up a password for first-time accounts. | User | Triggered when a user needs to change/update his/her password. |
Webhooks | Webhook Delivery Failed | Email notification for failed webhooks (for clients with SS-Virtuous integration). | WMTEK Admin | Triggered when a webhook delivery failed based on the webhook configuration. |
Modified on Fri, 29 Sep, 2023 at 3:56 PM
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