Motion 2 Changes and Upgrades

While the Motion 2.5 upgrade primarily contains new features designed for managing events and groups, the existing Motion 2 features have been improved in significant ways.


A Workflow is a defined business process with specific tasks assigned to specific roles.

What’s New

  • A person can now have multiple engagements in the same workflow. This can be enabled when configuring the workflow. 
  • Right-click on a workflow, and “View Secondary People” shows a grid of secondary people based on the roles.
  • Versioning has been removed for workflows, tasks, and triggers. Data has been migrated where relevant.


Statuses are used to categorize the state of a specific user engagement within a workflow. To manage statuses, choose a workflow in Motion 2, right-click on the workflow, and select Manage Statuses.

What’s New

  • In addition to the Default status, additional statuses can be created for “Complete” and “Archived”.
  • The status of an engagement can be changed using the Change Status trigger on a task in the workflow, via a custom action on the Engagement Grid Module, or by enabling the "Edit Status" setting on the Engagement Detail Module.


CRM Relationships can be predefined in a workflow so that adding a user to a specific role automatically creates a CRM relationship with other roles. Relationships can be one-way or two-way. To manage relationships, choose a workflow in Motion 2, right-click on the workflow, and select Manage Relationships.

What’s New

  • The internal functionality of relationships has been completely rebuilt.
  • Relationships are created automatically when a person is added to an engagement, whether they are added from a kick-off form or administrative view.
  • The workflow configurations now include a setting, “Remove Relations”, that will remove the relevant relationships if the person is removed from the engagement.


An Engagement, formerly called an “Instance”, is an interaction that a person has with a Motion 2 workflow. The Engagements tab in Motion 2 allows system administrators with additional management tools that can be used for special circumstances where the automated process may need to be changed manually.

What’s New

  • Instances are now called Engagements.
  • A person can now have multiple engagements on the same workflow. This can be enabled when configuring the workflow.
  • Data related to an engagement is now available in other parts of Site Stacker such as variables in task descriptions and trigger notifications, columns and filters in Site Planner modules, etc.
  • It is no longer necessary to un-assign tasks before deleting an engagement.
  • An Engagement grid has been added to the details window in the CRM component. It will display all engagements that a person is a part of.
  • The Engagement tab in Motion 2 has been rebuilt and now includes more columns and filters.
    • Summary - This displays basic information about the engagement.
    • Members - This displays primary people that are part of the engagement. People can be added or removed from the engagement directly from this view.
    • Workflow - This displays the workflow tree, including information about tasks that have been assigned and completed. Tasks can be assigned or unassigned from this view.
    • Task Assignments - This displays all assigned tasks. Tasks can be unassigned from this view.
    • Triggers - This displays all triggers that have been initiated.
    • Trigger Delays - This displays all delay triggers that have been initiated.
    • Files - This displays all files that have been saved to CRM records and submitted in this engagement.
    • Notes - This displays all notes that have been saved to CRM records and submitted in this engagement.
    • Secondary People - This displays all secondary people who manage this engagement. If the role is configured with a “Relationship to Primary Person”, then only those users that have a relationship with people in this engagement will be displayed.


Roles are the specific users and groups who play a part in the workflow. There are two types of roles in workflows: primary and secondary.

Updated - Types of Primary Roles

  • Main Role: This is the main role of the workflow. The main role cannot be a multi-role.
  • Multi Role: This role will allow multiple people.
  • Counted: People in this role will count towards the engagement capacity. Engagement capacity is configured in the Opportunities section of Motion 2.

What’s New

  • Right-click on a role and select “View Secondary People” to show a grid of secondary people based on the role.
  • The paid role functionality was kept in Role settings, though this setting will soon be replaced with improved Motion 2 payments.
  • The “Assigned To” checkbox in Roles was removed in favor of the “Assigned To” setting on the task. “Can Do” will now determine if a person can do a task, or if the task will show up on a person’s task list.
  • A multi-role must be listed as a multi-role when it is created. Non-multi-roles cannot be changed to multi-roles. This is to prevent re-assigning tasks to existing users, or breaking the history of past users.
  • Once a task is assigned to a role, it cannot be changed. This is to prevent breaking the record of users already in the system. 


Tasks are used to specify actions that a user completes as part of a workflow.

What’s New

  • The “Assigned To” dropdown was added to the task form. This replaces the “Assigned To” checkbox in the Roles Configurations. Please note that the Assigned to Role cannot be changed after the task has been created.
  • Tasks now support multi-roles. A task assigned to a multi-role will be assigned multiple times, one for each person in the role.
  • The Auto Assign option has been added. This will assign the task automatically when the engagement is created or a person is added to the engagement.
  • The option to hide the task buttons is now available by selecting the “Hide” checkbox next to the Task Button settings on a Task.
  • When publishing a task using the task sequence module, the secondary buttons (Cancel, Save for Later, or Skip) will automatically be hidden, as these buttons were not designed for use in the Task Sequence module.
  • Task-specific settings have been grouped at the bottom of the task form in a fieldset called “Settings”.
  • The Question task type has been removed. Question tasks in migrated workflows will automatically be changed to a form task with a boolean field.
  • The Reference task type has been removed. Reference tasks in migrated workflows will automatically be changed to a form task with a repeatable fieldset.
  • Task ID can no longer be used to preview tasks, as the number in the URL will now reflect the engagement ID, not the task ID. Because of refactoring, Task IDs after updating to Motion 2.5 will be different from what they were before the update. If you are using a flowchart or other documentation to reference task numbers, you will need to update these after upgrading. 

New Task Type: Docusign

Docusign forms can now be connected to Motion 2 using the new Docusign task type. This allows primary users to be assigned DocuSign forms directly in a Motion 2 automated process. The docusign form will be sent to the primary user(s) email address as soon as the Docusign task has been assigned. Once all signers have signed the form in Docusign, the task will be marked as complete and removed from the primary user’s task list in Site Stacker. The completed file will then be saved to the user’s CRM record, along with any Security Tags chosen in the task configuration in Site Stacker. All DocuSign signers must be primary users in the workflow in order for the task to work. Secondary users cannot be form signers.

In order to use Docusign tasks, you will need a DocuSign account with an API plan. You will also need to work with WMTEK to complete the process of configuring the integration between Site Stacker and DocuSign. Each form template must be configured in Docusign and then linked to a DocuSign task in Motion 2.

Forms & Form Fields

Form tasks in Motion 2 allow you to collect CRM data. They are also used to create decision points along the critical path of an automated process.

What’s new

  • The frontend styling of forms has been completely rebuilt with ReactJS.
  • The admin management for forms has also been completely rebuilt.
  • The form structure now looks like this:
    • Standard Fieldset
      • Standard Field
    • Person Fieldset
      • Person Field
      • Entity Fieldset
        • Entity Field
      • Address Fieldset
        • Address Field
      • Phone Fieldset
        • Phone Field
      • Instant Messenger Fieldset
        • Instant Messenger Field
      • Social Network Fieldset
        • Social Network Field
    • Wrappers
      • Can be added at any point in the structure
  • The “Stage” has been removed.
  • Wrappers have been added to improve organization for those building forms, and user experience for those completing forms. They act similar to the other field sets.
  • Fieldsets and wrappers have a new setting, “Display”. This will add a CSS class to the fieldset that will display fields in a different way on the front end (in rows, columns, etc.). The current options are Vertical, Horizontal (Align Top), and Horizontal (Align Bottom).
  • On multi-field sets, the “Multi Min” and “Multi-Max” settings have been added. These settings, when used, require the user to submit a minimum and/or maximum number of entries in the fieldset.
  • Fieldsets now have a name and a label, just as a form field does. The Name is used for admin, the label is displayed for the frontend user.
  • In order to use the TinyMCE field type on forms and in the dashboard, a TinyMCE API must be configured using the Settings Component.

How to Build Forms in Motion 2.5

  • To begin configuring fields on a form, right-click and choose a standard field, wrapper, standard field set, or person fieldset.
    • Standard Field – Displays a single field that does not need to be saved to a CRM record.
    • Standard Fieldset – Displays a group of fields that do not need to be saved to a CRM record.
    • Person Fieldset – Displays fields that will be saved to a CRM record, such as a basic person field, contact information, or entity field.
  • If you are adding basic fields (Non-CRM fields), choose “Add field” and choose your desired field type.
  • If you are adding CRM fields, choose “Add Person Fieldset”. Name the field set with the name of the role. The label will be visible to the end user, so next you will add, remove, or edit the label accordingly. If this task will be assigned to a multi-role, select the “Task Assignee” option so that the data will be saved to the record of the specific user completing the task. Next, choose which primary role the data will be associated with. Choose “Is Multi” or “Is Hidden” as appropriate.
  • After you have added a Person Fieldset, right-click on it and choose which type of field you’d like to add. Choose “Add Person Field” to add basic information such as Name, Birthdate, Email, etc. Choose “Entity Fieldset” to add entity data. Choose Address, Phone, Instant Messenger, or Social Network fieldsets as appropriate. You can also add standard fields that will be displayed in between CRM fields.
  • After choosing an Entity Fieldset, Name and Label the field set as needed, and select the entity. Save and close, and then right-click on your Entity fieldset to add individual fields.
  • Wrappers can be added anywhere in the structure in order to better organize and display fields.

New Setting: Saved CRM Data on Form Tasks - Affects only the Task Component Page aka Tasks viewed from the Task List.

Before Motion 2.5, form tasks with CRM fields would display CRM data that had been saved to that field in CRM, regardless of how the data originated. For example, if an admin had listed a data point on a form, or if a user had provided the data point on a different form, the data in this CRM field would show up on any other forms that contained that CRM field. In Motion 2.5, you can now decide on each form whether a form should show CRM data added outside of that particular form. When adding new forms, this setting will be turned off by default so that a form will not show past CRM data unless the setting is checked. This setting can be checked or unchecked at any point.

CRM Data UNCHECKED and the form was NEVER submitted before in Motion 2.5 (Migrated tasks from old installations would fall in this category):

  • Load default (most recent) data from CRM.
  • If the entity is single, load the ID of the entity record but without value so that it can be updated correctly.
  • If the entity is multi, it won't load anything.

CRM Data UNCHECKED and the form WAS submitted before:

  • Load default (most recent) data from CRM.
  • If the entity is single, load data from the current motion 2.5 engagement.
  • If the entity is multi, load data from the current motion 2.5 engagement.

CRM Data CHECKED and the form was NEVER submitted before (Migrated tasks from old installations would fall in this category):

  • Load all data from CRM.
  • Load all entity data from CRM.
  • This setting can be overwritten on individual repeatable entities by going to Manage Forms and editing the repeatable entity.

CRM Data CHECKED and from WAS submitted before:

  • Load all data from CRM and merge it over the previously submitted form data
  • Load all entity data from CRM and merge it over the previously submitted form data
  • This setting can be overwritten on individual repeatable entities by going to Manage Forms and editing the repeatable entity.

New Feature: Auto-fill a form field using a URL parameter - Affects only the Task Sequence Module

When a form task is completed via the Task Sequence module, fields can now be auto-filled using URL parameters appended to the link. This can also be combined with the CRM module custom action called “Redirect with Params”.

  • In order to configure, check the “URL Autocomplete” checkbox on a form field, and add a parameter name.
  • To pre-fill the field with data, add ?(parameter)=(pre-filled data) to the end of the task URL or kickoff task URL. For a text field, simply list the desired text. For a datagroup field, list the id of the desired selection. For example, if you wanted a datagroup field called “Lead source” to be pre-filled, enable the URL parameter, and name it “leadsource”. Then, check the ID of the desired selection using the datagroup component. If the ID of the selection is 10 add “?leadsource=10” to the URL where the kickoff form can be found.
  • Two suggested use cases for this feature would be hidden, pre-filled fields on mobilization sign-up forms or reference forms. To add a second parameter, simply add & after the first parameter, then again type (parameter)=(pre-filled data). For example, two parameters linked together on the kick-off form would be


Triggers are outcomes that happen as a result of a user interaction with a task. Triggers can be initiated when a task has been completed or when a task becomes due. It is also possible to initiate a trigger when specific tasks or all tasks within a landmark have been completed. A trigger can also be initiated when a user completes a form and makes a specific choice on a specific field. The action that initiates a trigger is called the source of the trigger. Delays can also be added to a source.

What’s New

  • The internal functionality of triggers has been completely rebuilt.
  • Trigger-specific settings have been grouped at the bottom of the trigger form in a field set called “Settings”.
  • In order to support multi-role functionality, the Assign Task, Send Notification, CRM Record Type, Relationship, and Assign to User Group triggers have a new setting, “Apply To”. This setting has two options, “Role” and “Task Assignee”.
    • The Role option aligns with the original Motion 2 functionality. If this option is chosen, the trigger will affect the entire role. If this trigger relates to a multi-role, it will affect all people in the role.
    • The Task Assignee option will affect only the person who completed the task where the trigger was assigned. It is designed to allow a trigger to impact one person in a multi-role, rather than all persons in a multi-role in a specific engagement. This option can only be chosen for tasks assigned to a primary role.
  • Within the notification trigger, the message sender can now be changed from the default sender to a different sender for that particular notification.

Standard Fields
Data submitted on motion 2 forms using standard fields (non-CRM entity fields) before the migration will not be carried over in the migration. This means that if you have collected data using standard fields that are then reviewed in the PDF export view option from the workflow data, this data should be exported to PDF before the migration. After migrating, the standard field data submitted after the migration will be available from the workflow data module in either the PDF export or the dashboard form reviewer, but data submitted before the migration will no longer be available.

Modified on Thu, 28 Sep, 2023 at 1:43 PM

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Make sure these features are added to your Site Stacker installation by learning how to run updates here!